Every one in the blogging world is talking about Wordpress, the new blog-engine. So the Musketeers also wanted to try this. When we saw wordpress and its cool tools and ease of posting , we were impressed. We urged, and were allowed by the Konfessioners to try wordpress for next few Klashes. Our continuance on wordpress, or return back to Blogspot will depend upon your reaction and the Konfessioners consent. We hope to hear from you in this respect.
Klash at WordPress is an effort by the Three Musketeers to ease their own plight at being thoroughly incompetent with the iconic blogger. This blog in no way dilutes the history of Klash. It merely attempts to add a new page to it.
This site is still in its experimental stage. So bugs and inaccuracies will prevail. Your patience is solicited.
Your suggestions/opinions as to whether klash should remain at blogger are precious to us. Leave us a line at submissionsknk@gmail.com
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